Sample Fundraising Letter #1
Dear Uncle Steve,
I am writing to ask for your help. You won't believe what I have gone and gotten myself into this time. I am going to run the Surf City USA Marathon for Free Wheelchair Mission. My body is already in nervous shock from the anticipation!
Your help would be greatly appreciated. No, I don't expect you to walk along side of me - so you can breathe that sigh of relief! But a donation to Free Wheelchair Mission in order to sponsor me in the race would be wonderful!
If you can help, you can go online right now and donate to my personal website at [personalized link here], or you can make a check payable to Free Wheelchair Mission and return it to me. Then you can sit back with your lemonade on Superbowl Sunday and watch the game, while I am out there running 26.2 miles across Huntington Beach! Thank you so much!Your niece,Nicole
Sample Fundraising Letter #2
Dear Name of potential donor,
On February 5, 2012, I will join hundreds of others to help lift people off of the ground and into a wheelchair by running in the Run for Mobility half marathon/full marathon/1 mile. By making a pledge on my behalf, you are supporting the mission of Free Wheelchair Mission to provide dignity, mobility, and hope to those struggling with physical disabilities in developing countries.
Dear Name of potential donor,
On February 5, 2012, I will join hundreds of others to help lift people off of the ground and into a wheelchair by running in the Run for Mobility half marathon/full marathon/1 mile. By making a pledge on my behalf, you are supporting the mission of Free Wheelchair Mission to provide dignity, mobility, and hope to those struggling with physical disabilities in developing countries.
Give details - Tell your story: I have a personal stake in this particular event. I have several friends and family who are unable to walk, and their lives are still full and productive because they have access to a wheelchair. Here in the US most people who need mobility aids are able to access them – this isn’t the case in developing countries. Simple, everyday tasks like cooking, going to the restroom, or even just moving from a bedroom to the living room are huge tasks when you can’t walk. People are forced to drag themselves across the floor, or rely on a family member to physically carry them around to do these tasks. I know how important having a wheelchair is to my family members, and how vital it is for people in similar situations.
My goal is to raise at least specify dollar amount this year. Since each wheelchair only costs $63.94, that means I will be able to transform X number of lives when I reach my personal goal! Please help me reach that goal with your donation, which is completely tax deductible. If you wish, you may mail all or part of your payment amount today in the self-addressed stamped envelope enclosed with this letter, or visit my website at[your personal URL] or by going to, clicking on “Sponsor a Fundraiser”, and then entering my name.
Please make your checks payable to Free Wheelchair Mission, with the words “Run for Mobility – [my name]” on the memo line. My personal deadline to reach my goal is deadline date. Following the event, I will send out a brief recap of the race and the outcomes of my fundraising efforts to all my sponsors.
Please make your checks payable to Free Wheelchair Mission, with the words “Run for Mobility – [my name]” on the memo line. My personal deadline to reach my goal is deadline date. Following the event, I will send out a brief recap of the race and the outcomes of my fundraising efforts to all my sponsors.
Thank you in advance for your support. Please call me if you have any questions or comments about the Run for Mobility. I can be reached at phone number.
Your name
Your name
Sample Fundraising Letter #3
To learn more about Free Wheelchair Mission, click here:
Sample Fundraising Letter #4
Dear [Name],
Many of you know how important sports and fitness are to me. Living a healthy, active lifestyle is something that is easily taken for granted. I have taken on the challenge of training for [Event Name]. To make my race more meaningful, I am raising money for Free Wheelchair Mission – an international 501c3 non‐profit organization that provides wheelchairs to people in need around the world. By providing a simple wheelchair, they are able to transform the lives of individuals, families, and communities through the gift of mobility.
There are over 100 million people around the world who are disabled and need a wheelchair, but cannot afford one. 80% of these people live in developing countries. Not having a wheelchair means that the individual is unable to attend school, get a job, or participate in their communities. They are completely dependent on family members or friends to carry them out of the house and into the world. Once they become adults, these individuals will be too big to be carried, and end up staying inside their homes for years. These people simply need a means to be independent and mobile, and they will be able to rejoin society on their own terms. Our simple gift of a wheelchair provides these things any more to recipients. Free Wheelchair Mission has been working for the past 10 years to manufacture, ship, and deliver our specially designed durable wheelchair to these forgotten people around the world. Still, FWM needs your help in order to continue their mission.
By donating to my fundraising efforts, you are helping me and FWM to change lives, one wheelchair at a time. Together, we can provide the tool these people need in order to live an independent, productive, and fulfilled lives. I have decided to make my miles matter by helping to make an impact on lives around the world. Please become a part of my mission by making a donation through my web site link below. Together, we can give the gift of mobility and lift lives around the world.
[http:/ URL]
Thank you for your support,
[Your Name]
Happy fundraising!